Ram dead?

12 Mar 2013
Grimsby UK
last November I bought
My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £881.90 (includes shipping: £0.00)

(wow prices have gone up! except the 3600 and mobo!)

It wouldn't boot today with the LED indicator stuck on before a POST.

I took out one ram stick and it posted, I removed the other ram and inserted the extracted one, no post. I put both ram in different slots, no post. I put the suspect ram in another slot in single channel config.... no post. Even tried resetting the bios just to try.

I then borrowed my fathers 2x 8gb 2400mhz team group ram, tried in multiple slots, posted every time.

I have just purchased (https://www.overclockers.co.uk/cors...zen-tuned-ddr4-memory-dual-kit-my-4c1-cs.html) and its coming tomorrow (from a different etailer I'm afraid)

currently posting from said PC with one ram stick in. Can I RMA the set of ram? How does that even work?
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