Ram for my E6600?

26 Jul 2006
Brighton, UK
I'm currently putting together a new computer and was going to go for an AMD X2 CPU but as I can't clear my limit until friday the X2's with 1MB cache will all be gone by then (with the 4800 looking like its gone already).

So I'm going to go for a Conroe, and stick with DFI for motherboards as I like them and they provide great OC features. The board will be the DFI Infinity 975X.

My problem is that I know very little about what to look for in DDR2. I heard timings weren't as important as they were with standard DDR?

I'm looking for 2GB for a high spec gaming system which will be able to keep up with an OC'd E6600 but this PC is costing enough as it is. Before deciding to change to the conroe I was going to be getting Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3500LL.

A recommendation and tips on what to look for in DDR2 would be great.
If you are looking for a slightly lower cost alternative to that, try the NR RAM, the increased latency will only make a minor difference to performance and will still allow overclocking the FSB up to 400
Varone said:
So I'm going to go for a Conroe, and stick with DFI for motherboards as I like them and they provide great OC features. The board will be the DFI Infinity 975X.
That DFI board isn't good for overclocking. Here is what anandtech.com said:

The DFI Infinity 975X/G is also a very stable and solid 975X, but it has a hard overclocking wall at 385 FSB - a problem other major 975X board makers have worked around. At the current $249, the DFI price looks high for the features and performance it brings to the table. UPDATE - The DFI Infinity 975X/G is now available at pricing near $190 making this board an extremely attractive and great recommendation for those who do not expect extreme overclocking results.

if your building a new machine from scratch then its best to go for conroe.
AMD made the biggest mistake with socket am2 since it offers no real performance gain and if people have to upgrade to am2 and buy new ddr ram and a new mobo then they may as well go conroe.
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