Ram For Ryzen 5 and B450 M/B

30 Jul 2019

I bought new Ram 16GB (2x8GB) Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX Black (CMK16GX4M2Z3200C16). I couldn’t get it to work even though it was on my QVL list. Tried the usual test and various combinations in the motherboard slots and every time I would get to the desktop screen then it would freeze. The only thing I noticed is the new ram was a newer version(ver.5.31) than what was on the QVL list(ver.4.31). Not sure if that would make a difference. In the end I returned the ram.

I still would like to upgrade my ram but have lost confidence in what ram to go for. I was thinking of going for 16GB (2x8GB) Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX Black CMK16GX4M2B3200C16. There is no version number listed so hopefully that one should be ok.

What is your thoughts this ram and the chances of it working?

There is a huge amount of information I don’t understand on the QVL list. Should there be anything else of the list I should check to increase the chance of the new ram working?

Thank you

AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Gigabyte B450 AORUS M
Corsair 8GB (2x 4GB) 3000Mhz DDR4 Vengeance CMK8GX4M2C300016
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 Super
1TB 860 evo SSD
650W Seasonic FOCUS Plus Gold
Thank you. I will have a look into the Patriot Viper Steel.

Not sure what was wrong with that new ram. I'm not one for playing around with settings or overclocking but perhaps I might need to. This ram upgrade is becoming more difficult than I thought it would.

Thanks again.
I can't tell you a lot of detail about RAM but I can say that I've had the Corsair Vengence RAM you've listed and it worked OK for me in my B450 Aorus board, It may just be faulty RAM... I've also had Team Group Vulcan T-Force which again ran well and ran at fast speeds on a B450 board.

a lot of people are recommending the Patriot Viper Steel for Ryzen, maybe take a look at them... I'm sure others will be along shortly to give you more information about RAM on the Qvl list :)

Any thoughts on this ram

Says its compatible with Intel and AMD Chipsets, Ryzen (AM4). It is also on the QVL list. This surly has to be a good bet.

Only found one Patriot Viper on my QVL list but it was very expensive. Will keep looking for that to.

I'd go with that, if it's on the Qvl list then should all be fine... I think you just had faulty sticks with the previous Corsair ones you had


Thanks. Think I will go with this. Hopefully second time lucky. Funny how that other ram never worked.
Is it possible to update, if not up to age, the BIOS? Sometimes newer versions fixes issues, RAM included.
1000 series Ryzen was a bit and miss about RAM, but the 3000 series, regardless if using the 300, 400 or 500 series motherboard, seems to be easy pleased.

That's probably is a good idea. I am on F40 at the moment and there is 2 newer versions I think above that. To be honest though I am not confident about doing a bios update. Heard many horror story's about it going wrong.
I think I might try this other ram and if it doesn't work then I might just have to go for it.

thanks everyone.
I got the 8 pack 3200/cl14 ram and it's been rock solid in my b450 tomahawk max +'Ryan 5 3600, it's currently running overclocked to 3800/cl16. Wasn't on the qvl either.

Ram is a funny thing. The new ram that I sent back should arrive with the seller today. Hopefully they test it and if they find a problem it will make me feel a bit more confident in purchasing ram again.
Turns out that ram was faulty. The seller is refunding me. Not sure if I should just re order the same ram again or try a different seller/manufacture?
Just to finish this story off encase it is of interest to anyone.....So I reordered the same ram (CMK16GX4M2Z3200C16) and still had the same problem with Windows freezing on the desktop. So I watched a quick tutorial on how to change the ram speed from 3200MHz to 3000MHz. I also had to disable the XMP Profile 1. That seems to have done the trick. Everything running fine.

A bit disappointing that it will only run at 3000MHz. I did pick that ram because I wanted the 3200MHz speed but least it works I guess.

Glad it's sorted but still might be worth updating bios, you're on f40 which was released 16/5/19 this is 6 weeks before the CPUs even got released so there is bound to be lots of improvements to performance and stability to be had with the latest f50 which is only a few weeks old.

It gives me the fear at the thought of updating the bios but I know you are right. I should really do it.

Thank you
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