RAM Issue

22 Apr 2020
So I've been tinkering around and have been trying to get my 3733Mhz ram up to the golden 3800Mhz with 1900Mhz IF. Problem is I tried various DRAM settings using the Ryzen DRAM calculator which didn't work. I ended up deciding to go for the safe calculation at 3800Mhz and the tighten the timings myself. Problem is when I put in the numbers and then set the ram to 3800Mhz and IF to 1900Mhz and then apply them. It doesn't apply them. It closes the bios restarts and boots into windows normally, but when I check CPU-Z or any other monitoring program it say's the frequency is 1866Mhz (3733Mhz). I go back into the bios and discover that whilst the settings are correct at what I want (3800Mhz etc, same with timings), none of them actually applied. I've tried changing them on and off but it registers it as if no changes have been made :/.
Have a look around in the bios as there might be more than one place you can set the timings and fclk with one having priority over the other.
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