Ram needed for BF3

8 Mar 2011
my computer is

2x gtx 570
ram 4gb
motherboard:MSI P67A-GD53 (B3), Intel P67, ATX, DDR3

The ram is killing my system so im hoping to upgrade to 8gb

any suggestions please

(my current ram is 4GB-KIT Mushkin Silverline Stiletto PC3-10667U CL9-9-9-24)
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Hmm well, it's 8gb of memory.. In gaming you wouldnt notice any difference from a £40 8gb kit to a £70 kit, maybe ~2 fps if that. For gaming especially BF3 it's GPU dependent but going from 4-8gb ram should help at higher res's using the 2 (570's?)
I doubt you'd notice any difference between 8 and 16GB in BF3

The game itself doesn't use much memory but helps you run all the Windows crap in the background.
More memory doesn't help unless you're filling up what you already have. I use about 65% of my 8GBs in BF3, the only thing having another 8GB would do is bring that figure down a little. :p
I had an app that has a memory leakage I think. Last night with my apps open on second screen and playing bf3 I peaked at 6gb used :) This could be normal but the apps on the second screen are just a couple of gadgets for bandwidth and cpu monitoring as well as msi.

But I thought 6gb used was a bit higher then normal. Not that it bothered me with 2gb spare. I normally idle around 1.7gb used with normal web browsing etc. But yeah I though 6gb used was a bit much, rebooted after game session ended
My extra 4gb just arrived. It may just be the placebo effect but the system and bf3 seem snappier since i added it.
Same stuff?

Well I've seen BF3 use a max of 1.1GB. So unless you are running some rubbish in the background I'd say it is the placebo effect.
My BF3 process got up to around 1.8-1.9GB which in combination with Windows in the background was starting to push stuff into the page file :(

8GB of RAM arrived today so will be testing BF3 out later :)
My extra 4gb just arrived. It may just be the placebo effect but the system and bf3 seem snappier since i added it.

You're not the only one.

Upgraded from 4GB to 8GB:

I certainly am! Loaded up BF3 and noticed I'm only using 1600MB of VRAM where as before the RAM upgrade it was 1950MB. So I increased some settings to Ultra and the FPS has stayed the same more or else. But the best thing is the stuttering has gone!

The only think I can think of is the extra RAM has allowed the game to buffer the textures and so I no longer run out of VRAM :)
Same stuff?

Well I've seen BF3 use a max of 1.1GB. So unless you are running some rubbish in the background I'd say it is the placebo effect.

Yes more of the Kingston stuff. Love the blu heat spreaders, goes well with my p8p67. :p

I found that when running bf3 after a while i would get a low on memory message, this was with a pagefile of 1gig on my ssd. Once i saw that i bumped it up to 2gig, it went away but it was at this point that i thought i will add another 4 gig and just remove the page file completely.

You're not the only one.

Upgraded from 4GB to 8GB:

Yep same as me.
6Gb here, no issues, seems a bit 'clunky' but I thought that going from CS 1.4 -> BF1942 > BF2 > BF:BC2 > BF3 so it may just be the added realism that I don't like :P

/hate change
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