RAM purchase sanity check please - 8 pack RAM.

19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
Hi, Im running a 3700x.

I currently have 16gb (2 sticks) of 8 pack RAM. (4000Mhz 18-19-19-39).
However the fastest (best) I can get the RAM to run stable is 3533-16,16,16,16,35. That I can live with, I'm happy enough with that. Thats not the issue here.

I want to go to 32GB now. There are two of what look to be the same RAM (as what I have) but are they the same or different? The EXACT RAM I bought before is 158.99, whereas similar RAM with slightly different speed and timings is actually on sale for 119.99, it states 4133Mhz 18,20,20,20,39.

My question is, will this run at 3533-16,16,16,16,35 to match my exsisting RAM? What are the chances? Is it basically exactly the same memory as the 158.99 stuff just with a different XMP profile on it?

What would you do? Obviously I would prefer to save nearly 50% by buying the 4133Mhz sticks if possible.

Technically its a 33% saving. which is a fair chunk (the 129 sticks are now 119). It's a third less.
If they are both the same die (are they?) then surely they have the same chance of hitting 3533-16,16,16,16,35 ? Which (in theory) should be a doddle for 4133Mhz 18,20,20,20,39 Sticks.
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