Ram that instantly shuts down a PC

20 Jan 2009
I seem to be a master of finding problems with my hardware, so here are the details:

2 x 16gb DDR4 3600mhz crucial balistix ram 16-18-18-38.

When in my current system :
asrock b550 itx phantom
seasonic 1000w
gigabyte 3080ti gamign oc
sabrent rocket m2 1tb

It would get to where Windows boots and pc turns off, this is with power loss reboot enabled. This behaviour occurred at any point XMP was enabled or the memory speed changed from the default.

I replaced it with my previous 2x8 trident rgb ram with identical timings and had no problems. Put the suspect ram in a testing pc and had numerous problems trying to boot until eventually it just started behaving again, tried windows mem test with no errors and then ran memtest for over a day with no problems found. I have tried this at base speeds and with xmp.

Not sure what to do to identify the problem as I have never found ram that instantly powers down a pc before, though nor can I identify a problem through normal means.

Any advice would be welcome as playing starcitizen with 16gb of ram isnt the greatest.
That’s really strange. If you replaced the ram and were not getting the same problem then likely it could be the ram sticks. I would have them replaced if you could, saves the hassle of the issue
Yeah that was my assumption , but proving it to them could be tricky. Put the sticks back in my main rig and same problem , can run them without xmp profile at stock speeds but didnt pay to have 3600 capable sticks to have them at stock speeds. Tried to use a dram timing finder too and it had the same results even after pushing a bit more voltage than the 1.35 the xmp suggests yet no progress on actually getting into windows without a shutdown.
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