RAM timings

16 Apr 2006
i've recently purchaced Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX RAM, it's brill but only 1 concern, i've set it in BIOS to the settings 2-3-3-6, but when I run CPUz it says the RAM timings are 3-3-3-8, what am I doing wrong? i havn't changed anything appart from the settings from T2 to T1,

AMD 64 3000+
K8N Neo2 Platinum

any help would be greatly receved
Are you looking under the memory or the SPD tab in CPUZ? You tried setting them to auto and seeing what the BIOS picks up?
i am having the same problem... i have an ASUS P4-P800 SE board, i set it to manual in bios and set timings of 2,3,3,6 and max bursts 8 ( i dont know whether i should set this to 4? ) i go into Pcwizard etc and still says timings of 3,3,3,8 @ 200mhz :confused: :confused: (im a ram noob too , which doesnt help :))
i solved it, well, it was already solved, the programs were only reporting back the SPD timings, once looking through CPUZ more carefully it says that its running at 2,3,3,6 . Try looking through CPUZ on a different page as i tried everything and couldnt understand it and tried various programs too!
Booner! said:
i solved it, well, it was already solved, the programs were only reporting back the SPD timings, once looking through CPUZ more carefully it says that its running at 2,3,3,6 . Try looking through CPUZ on a different page as i tried everything and couldnt understand it and tried various programs too!

Lol, that was the very first suggestion :D
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