Ram To RMA or Not To RMA.....

19 Oct 2002
Basically have just done a new build pc with all parts from ocuk. I went with some G-skill ram 3200 hz kit I think was the exact name. 2gig dual channel blah blah.

Anyhow on another post I mentioned how I couldnt get the pc working without an ntfs.sys error, but i had a hunch and took out one of the chips and it all installed windows xp fine. Runs fine and the world was a happy place on only 1gig. Now I obviously want to boost the performance sticking the other chip in, but whenever I do windows hangs, reboots randomly, freezes up etc. I take it I can easily assume this ram is causing the problem?

Also would anyone know if I have to send both parts of the dual channel kit back or just 1gig of it, as I would ideally like to keep using the pc!

Do I rma through OCUK or direct also?

Many thanks!
I have only tried one on its own to be honest. I am using the two orange slots also, does this affect it? What I will do tonight is try the other one on its own for a while then. Where do I get an updated bios and is there any particular version that might not like the ram, not on my home pc to see what bios i have atm!

Thanks for the idea though.
Well i updated the bios to 623-3 and then put the ram in and it seems alright, as suspected they both worked fine alone. Last night with the 2 gig in i left pc on and have run fear for a while with no problems, so hopefully its all ok.

Thanks all!
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