RAM Upgrade

30 Nov 2005
Currently I have 2 x 256 meg sticks of OCZ RAM, not sure of the particular model though. What are they worth (roughly) second hand?

I'm looking to replace them, but I have a bit of a tight budget. I'd really rather not spend more than £100 (not including money made on OCZ's).

Seeing as I play BF2, HL2, CS:S Far Cry etc etc, should I go for 1gig of pricey stuff or 2 gigs of budget stuff.

The rest of my system is as in my sig (don't ask why it says 1gig of RAM in my sig - its a long story).
Thats sounds reasonable to me. When I had 1 gig of RAM I could just about run BF2 at max settings, but now only at medium or low - despite the 7800GT. It just goes to show how important RAM is for overall performance in some games.

Interestingly HL2 has also suffered a lot - with only 0.5 gigs of RAM it stutters just as much as it did with 1 gig of RAM and a 9600pro graphics card.

I had my eye on either the OcUK or Geil value 2gig packs - is the Geil stuff worth the extra £££'s?
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