Ramadan 2020

18 Oct 2002
That time of the year is upon as already. Are people going to partake this year? Have seen some advice from religious leaders advising those e.g. in the NHS to not fast this year.

Still going to try and I work in an office rather than the wards.

Hope everyone is well and safe :).
There are a number of reasons why people shouldn't fast (e.g. periods, ill health, long distance travelling) so I assume they worry that people working in high exposure areas need their strength.
Ramadan Mubarak.

This probably isn't the place for it but when you break fasting can you post some pics of your food somewhere so the rest of us can feel incredibly jealous please?
Hahaha :p I can try, my wife and mother-in-law have made an awesome packed lunch.

I have slept most of the day as I am on nights but damn I feel drained but it's fine after the first two days.
Fantastic. I was once given some home-made biryani by a Muslim colleague and it was out of this world. It was so good that I had several helpings (a bit greedy in hindsight but they were very accommodating and didn't seem to mind). I could quite happily fast for two days straight if I had food like that to look forward to.
This picture probably doesn't do much justice....

  • Some chicken, rice and vegetable dish from the canteen
  • A stew my mother-in-law made
  • Some sweet dish (the calamari looking one) she also made
  • Granola (yogurt and fruit in the fridge) for a snack
  • Dates to have at the start
  • Caffeine and fizz
That sweet dish looks interesting, what is it? If you're struggling to finish that stew then I'm sure I could find a good home for it. :)

Thanks for the picture. It looks super-tasty, enjoy.
Thanks. The sweet thing is called jalebi/zlebia or zlabia, don't think I have tried it before. Haha don't worry, come 3am I am sure my appetite will resurface.
Jalebi are pretty much pure sugar dripping in sticky sugar... delicious :D

You had some at my sons birthday haha
Ahhhh thought they reminded me of Indian sweets. Though to be fair (why I don't remember), I was distracted by Michael Jackson vs DJ..................
Like clockwork and McstylisT, the most bitter and leftist hating of them all.

Epic food tonight and just seen the Moon and Venus :cool:
If you interpret what I said to be hate then that's your problem pal, but then again anyone that has an opinion about something which is anyway negative towards a religion, you all class as hate, funny that... I don't hate it, I just find it idiotic and counter intuitive.

Also I dislike Frosties, you know what they say about assumptions, right?
Muslims behave like zombies during Ramadan. Their mouths stink and they perform extremely bad at work. Not to mention the unnecessary delays, unwillingness to work, faintings etc. Enjoying my hearty breakfast while writing this. Happy Ramadan!
As NVP says - you're more than entitled but you have no respect and labelled over a billion people with your brushstroke of ignorance. You chose to come into this thread, you chose to write in this thread and you chose to share your bigotry and hatred. No one forced you to do that, you could have just eaten your breakfast in peace but you didn't - you chose this instead.

Also I dislike Frosties, you know what they say about assumptions, right?
**** sandwich?
The ones you highlighted, yes, my source is living in London, and working with muslims over the years. Also plenty of information on the internet. I'm not going to pick sources out. The info is out there.
You didn't specify a specific group of Muslims, implying Muslims as a whole. And here we go - go find it yourself which likely means you've made a claim you can't back up. Glad we got that sorted.

I live in London - funny I haven't seen the same thing as you.
Can you back up your claims of Ramadam not being idiotic and unhealthy?

You don't need sources to prove how stupid it is to starve oneself, common sense tells you that, even more so doing for a religion.
This couldn't be more predictable, I didn't make the initial claim - you did. The onus is on you, not me. So you don't have anything to back it up do you.....
Common sense, as I've told you, believing in something that makes no sense at all is idiotic. Who needs a source to prove that? You are brainwashed.

You're not going to get more XP for doing it, and you're not going to go to some promise land after this life, and don't give me it's more to do with feeling empathy for the poor, while in the western world you go back to filling your faces with delights after it's done. Something the poor can't do.
So that's still a no - why is it so difficult to say you don't have anything to backup your very specific accusations? This isn't a video game - I don't need XP. A little more resentment coming out I see, what do you put on your Weetabix?
Ramadan is a repurposed pagan holiday
The system of sunrise to sunset fasting is dumb and doesn't work equally all over the globe.
Not being allowed to fast because you are on your period is a rule made by an uneducated person. Being on your period does not make you unclean.
Starving yourself during work hours is counter-intuitive to your bodies health
Starving yourself just to hardcore feast later serves no real purpose.

The reason I think Ramadan is useless and idotic is mainly because of the reason Muslims do this. Isn't it the case that Muslims fast because they're trying to get as many hasanaat as possible in order to end up in a mythological paradise after they die? If that is the case then yes I am of the opinion that it is nonsensical to fast because of this reason. You have no good reason to believe this place exists since there is no evidence whatsoever. So all the dedication is for absolutely nothing. It's unhealthy.
At least we're getting somewhere, now stating it's your opinion. You have lost me on the sunrise/sunset thing - so I shouldn't have set my alarm for 6.15am this morning because it's evening somewhere else? And it's technically before sunrise when you start fasting. You also fail to mention things like self-discipline, a time of reflection, been more compassionate to those less fortunate and sacrifice but I guess things like that don't fit your world view.


A study found that violent crime rates increase by over 20% in Algeria during Ramadan.

  • 220% increase in petty crime

  • 120% increase in domestic abuse

  • 320% increase in fights and assault

  • 40% increase in accidents

  • 80% increase in deaths
Who would’ve thought that dehydration and low blood sugar would make people more violent and the human body incapable of functioning properly? :rolleyes:
Hang on a sec - you were talking about London earlier. Why suddenly pick Algeria? Your earlier accusations implied Muslims a whole, then you switched to London and now Algeria. So are your accusations about all Muslims, London Muslims or Algerian Muslims. Furthermore - where did you get that 80% figure from, I can't see it in the article you cited?
Think I have figured it out. He went on a holiday to Algeria, had a terrible time and has been resentful since. So now he frequents forums eating his Weetabix waiting for Ramadan to start and then he can have his fun.
Never been actually, you asked for sources, I provided.
Nope. You provided a link to a paper but none of the following bullet points are mentioned in it...

So just to recap..
  • You like Weetabix
  • You made some very specific accusations about Islam and Ramadan
  • Your source for these accusations is living in London and something something Algeria
  • You struggle with time zones
Just to recap:

You believe in something that is man-made and nonsensical to all science and life as a whole. Brainwashing at its finest. I feel sorry for you. Imagine living in a bubble and not having the intelligence to understand that all what you believe in and do, is absolute nonsense.


Anyway I'm out, busy day today, enjoy starving yourself.
So that's another no to your supposed source? You said you believe in science.....
Don't attack the person, dissect the subject. He has made a couple of valid statement within his incoherent ramblings.
LOL come on - that was such a strange thing to say (time zones).
Why do you need a source to prove to you that starving yourself for a religion is stupid? how are you failing to see the common sense?

Yes science is proven.
Man made religion hasn't proven anything, apart from stupidity, wars and downfall.

Here is a source specifically for you, as you fail to comprehend things: https://digest.bps.org.uk/2018/01/2...e-really-less-smart-on-average-than-atheists/

I really have to go now, got water to drink and work to do.
Nope, just this...
A study found that violent crime rates increase by over 20% in Algeria during Ramadan.

  • 220% increase in petty crime

  • 120% increase in domestic abuse

  • 320% increase in fights and assault

  • 40% increase in accidents

  • 80% increase in deaths
Haha! See now I'm the other way, I've almost managed to get OP to try bacon a number of times :D The closest was filling his mums house full of fried, smoked bacon smell first thing in the morning... he even asked for a plate to be served up to him, alas he did not take that bite although I have heard from sources that he has since tried it and rejected it for his turkey twizzlers or whatever they are.

I am an ass though
Yes you are :D. And bacon is completely over-hyped, you put it on a pedestal for far too long.
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