I treated myself to some top quality ramen at lunch today. It was a place I'd not been to since pre-COVID, and is one of the mini chains in central London that is consistently rated as one of the best. It was great, but I was slightly surprised to notice the meat (chashu pork, and pork mince as I was having a gekikara spicy version) were both fridge-cold when it was first presented to me. The broth was fantastic and super hot, so I just dunked everything and got on with it. Super tasty.
Would that bother you? I always assumed the chashu pork was slow cooked initially, then fried to order before being put on the ramen. Hmn...
Would that bother you? I always assumed the chashu pork was slow cooked initially, then fried to order before being put on the ramen. Hmn...