Nothing in UK ... I wonder if thats Brexit kicking in LOL?
There was no Rammstein UK 2023 shows this year, but last year I caught them live at Coventry, they played at Cardiff too and that was my original venue planned for friends ... but things happen and plans changed (Covid and a friend died from original plans) ... long story. so we did Coventry instead ... In the end.
The Bands show in Coventry has went down in history as one of the loudest ever, apparently it was heard up to 12 miles away in the wee quiet villages around Coventry ... it was some show, it really was, got to meet lots of their road crew on this occasion on day before show, as well as keyboard player Christian Lorenz and his lovely Wife or partner, also got to see the whole Rammstein rig in the arena itself being built ... and that for me was the icing on the cake.
The day itself started off nervously, woke up about 6 AM with slight hangover after spending the night before in bar with Rammsateins mostly German road crew in the bar whom were awesome and were letting off steam, the day started off with slight drizzle. little to no wind and thats how the day went ... you can never predict a good outside Arena show weather wise of course, its just the luck of the draw, but OMG, perfect blue skys from start to finish happened and this show has slotted easily into one of my lifetimes best experiences ever.
I know I'm rambling here, but its the truth and I just want to impart my enthusiasm for the band and hopefully going to see them at Dublin next year ... its clear from their tour schedule they wont be doing UK next year, its takes days to build up their monster rig of a show and at least a day again to pull it down again, so clearly no room left in their schedule for UK shows ... and I wonder why? But hey, going for the Dublin show in 2024, the politics behind it all I could not care less ... so long as I get to see the show one more time.
There was no Rammstein UK 2023 shows this year, but last year I caught them live at Coventry, they played at Cardiff too and that was my original venue planned for friends ... but things happen and plans changed (Covid and a friend died from original plans) ... long story. so we did Coventry instead ... In the end.
The Bands show in Coventry has went down in history as one of the loudest ever, apparently it was heard up to 12 miles away in the wee quiet villages around Coventry ... it was some show, it really was, got to meet lots of their road crew on this occasion on day before show, as well as keyboard player Christian Lorenz and his lovely Wife or partner, also got to see the whole Rammstein rig in the arena itself being built ... and that for me was the icing on the cake.
The day itself started off nervously, woke up about 6 AM with slight hangover after spending the night before in bar with Rammsateins mostly German road crew in the bar whom were awesome and were letting off steam, the day started off with slight drizzle. little to no wind and thats how the day went ... you can never predict a good outside Arena show weather wise of course, its just the luck of the draw, but OMG, perfect blue skys from start to finish happened and this show has slotted easily into one of my lifetimes best experiences ever.
I know I'm rambling here, but its the truth and I just want to impart my enthusiasm for the band and hopefully going to see them at Dublin next year ... its clear from their tour schedule they wont be doing UK next year, its takes days to build up their monster rig of a show and at least a day again to pull it down again, so clearly no room left in their schedule for UK shows ... and I wonder why? But hey, going for the Dublin show in 2024, the politics behind it all I could not care less ... so long as I get to see the show one more time.