Ran out of engine coolant! What damage could I have done?

18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
Before we start, yes it's all my fault and yes I am an idiot - but in my defence I didn't expect my car to guzzle all the water in about 150 miles since i filled it up.

Anyways, I was on my way to work on Friday and I noticed the temp gauge was a bit higher than the halfway it usually sits on. I didn't really pay it much attention. Coming home yesterday the temp gauge was up about 3/4 and i could hear the rad fans kicking in - rut roh thinks Spunkey. I park up and can hear the engine rattling a hell of a lot at idle (well... more than usual anyway - it is a 1996 Rover 216)

I checked the oil when i got home and it was fine. Then i checked the water to find the reservoir absolutely bone dry :eek:

I topped her up and took her out again. After about 5 miles the temp gauge settled back on halfway, and the engine sounded back to usual.

So now, although the car sounds ok, is there any potential damage I could have done thats just waiting to make the whole thing go pop?

Forgot to mention, i must have done about 30 miles tops with no water in her - I only go to work and back.
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Thanks for the replies guys.

I dont know what the coolant capacity is, but i put just under 2 litres in it. I've got a Haynes for it at home so I'll have a check.

The hottest it got was about 3/4 up the gauge - it was never closer to the redline than that. What that equates to in real terms i couldnt tell you.

Good point about the HG. AFAIK it is a K Series in her. I'll check for mayo round the oil cap at lunch.
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