Random BSOD and boot failures - suspect RAM

7 Nov 2012
My System: My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £999.61 (includes shipping: £11.70)

My system is only a couple of months old and started off without any issues. After a few weeks of trouble free use, I decided to look into optimising it to improve performance. I noticed the RAM was running at (default) settings that were lower than the advertised speeds, so I changed the settings in the BIOS to get 3600MHz @ 19-19-19-39. It was then that the issues started.

My kids use the PC the most, mainly for gaming, and they reported an increasing number of BSOD crashes. I set the memory back to the BIOS defaults and the crashes were reduced, but not eliminated.


Default RAM setting

It was at this point I received my Sabrent 1TB Rocket NVMe PCIe M.2 2280 and it was whilst trying to install Windows on this new drive that the problems got worse. The system was just too unstable. I couldn't install Windows, but even with the new drive removed the system would now fail to boot 90% of the time.

I set everything back to default and started the process of testing the system with components removed. With only one stick of RAM in DIMM slot A2 everything seemed to work. I reinstalled the Sabrent and got Windows on it.

I then put the second RAM in DIMMB2 and the instability returned. PC would fail to turn on, with nothing but a black screen on the monitor. Sometimes if I hit the reset button on the case it would then boot, but usually it would give me a blue screen error with Kernal missing/error or Checksum/windload.efi error.



I ran Memtest with both stick (DIMMA2 & B2) and it froze after 36 minutes with just a few errors!


I'm currently running memtest with just the one stick in DIMMA2 and it's error free so far...

I suspect it's the second stick of RAM, or maybe the motherboard slot (B2), but I'll need to continue the testing with different permutations to confirm.

Am I on the right track? Is there anything else I could be doing?

(I'll edit to add some screen shots shortly.)
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Passed with zero errors. I'm now trying the suspect stick in the same slot. 2.5 hrs to go (if the first test is anything to go by)...
Memory stick #2, in DIMMA2, passed with flying colours, so that would suggest it's not the RAM? Either of them.

Investigating different permutations I tried each stick in turn, on its own, in DIMMB1 then DIMMB2 and the PC wouldn't post. I got three beeps and the EZ Debug LEDs on the motherboard light up for DRAM fail/not detect.

I went back to square one, with one stick in DIMMA2 and one in DIMMB2 (as previously tested above - working, but with errors), but got the same beep/LED errors on post. So it looks like it now it won't even run with any memory in either of the DIMMB? slots.

It will post with RAM in DIMMA1 & A2.

So, motherboard fault on DIMMB slots?
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Did you enable XMP or just put the timings in manually?

I used XMP and picked from the list. When it started to blue screen I went back to the slower speed. Which I guess is what the RAM is telling the board?

So, CPU or Motherboard...I'll have to get hold of a CPU from somewhere to check that...or just contact MSI and try to get an RMA...?

MSI website says for mainboard RMAs I need to contact the retailer.
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I was able to boot the PC with RAM in A2 & B2 and run memtest - but it froze on 2nd pass, after 36 minutes with nearly 14,000 errors (the screen shot above). Only now the PC won't boot at all with a stick in either of the B slots. I get the three beeps and DRAM LED lit up on my motherboard.

All tests have been conducted at default SPD values as detected by the board/bios.

I'm running the PC now, but with sticks in A1 & A2. I have another problem now in that my Search bar is not working; from Windows menu or File Explorer. Never rains... :(

I read that sometimes updating the BIOS can reset everything - the board 'rediscovers' the hardware. As it happened, there was one update. I applied it and nothing changed.

Version: 7C02v372(Beta version)
Release Date: 2020-06-12
File Size: 14.66 MB

- Updated AMD AGESA ComboAm4PI

I've ordered some thermal paste and cleaner and I'll try re-seating the CPU cooler, as I also read that can sometimes fix RAM/CPU associated issues. Failing that, other than getting another CPU to test, I think it's motherboard RMA time.
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An update to this...

I returned the motherboard and ordered a different replacement, a MSI X570 Tomahawk. It took a while, but was delivered yesterday. I installed everything and have got the same problems. PC will boot with each stick of RAM individually, but not when both are installed. So it would seem it wasn't the motherboard.

If I could get hold of some different, functioning, RAM I guess that would eliminate that and leave me with a faulty CPU?

Just to add, I haven't run any new memtest on this new board. Only had the time to try boot to desktop.
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So it was the CPU.

I installed the new CPU, a Ryzen 3 3200G (it was the cheapest/easiest purchase) and have just finished installing it. Installed both sticks of RAM. The PC booted. I went into the BIOS, loaded default settings and re-booted. Here I am!


Next step to RMA the processor and whether to do it via AMD or the retailer...I'm leaning towards the retailer and it might be easier and possibly not require a long turn around and testing that I expect AMD to do. Anyone got any experience of RMA via AMD?

I've gone ahead and organised a replacement through the retailer. Should be here tomorrow. They initially offered a refund and I was tempted as I thought I may be able to buy it again and reset the clock on the manufacturer's warranty, but the price has gone up since I bought it and the price I paid was only a few quid more than the 3700.

I now have a 3200G I don't need... :D
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The RAM defaulted to those speeds the first time around and it was when I started to try to get them up to advertised speeds that the issues started. I'll give it a go...

A-XMP enabled, but with memory speed manually set to 3200MHz. No problems so far...touch wood.

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I did inadvertently run at full XMP as I forgot to override to 3200MHz. It wouldn't boot and the mobo fault LEDs reported VGA fault. :D
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New 3800X arrived this afternoon. Installed. BIOS reset. Booted! \o/

So it would appear it was the CPU all along.

Tweaking memory now. Running at A-XMP 3600.

I'll give that a go, wookie. :)

I ran memtest and Windows Memory tool last night and there were no errors. So it's looking like I'm finally sorted.

Thanks so much to everyone that chipped in and walked me through the whole process. :D
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