Random Keyboard Problem

17 Jun 2005
Near Brighton
Ok ive got the Logitech MX3000 i think it is combination. The mx 1000 mouse and some other keyboard with it.

Both are cordless, mice has its own battery, keyboard uses 2 AA

ok so was playing cod 2, mouse starts looking up and the rotating round was like wtf seemed to stop after a few seconds. I then discover my keyboard isnt working, so i try to reconnect no luck. take out the batteries and put them back in still not working. Hmm

so i turn pc off, go get some new batterys still not working. Tried 2 different sets. Also tried both the usb port and the ps2 port. Mouse is working fine

just tried an old keyboard from my tiny plugged into the ps2 port and thats working fine. Tried keyboard again no luck

im about to try to reinstall the drivers but its a big pain as i cant even get into windows as ive got a password. It doesnt even work in bios etc cant get into it

So anyone got the faintest of ideas?

Edit: something i remembered, when u press the connect button on the keyboard / mouse, the light on the "connect" button on the reciever flashes. still does it even tho keyboard appears not to be working so it seems like its still trying to communicate
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the reciever is not blocked by any chance is it? if reinstalling drivers doesnt fix it and your reciever is connected with keyboard n mouse could be faulty keyboard n mouse mate...
well its fixed, although im still confused.

This morning booted up, still no luck so i uninstalled drivers -> rebooted -> reinstalled drivers -> rebooted. Still wasnt working. Restarted again but had my tiny keyboard plugged in, booted to windows, entered my password. I then unplugged my tiny keyboard and plugged my logitech 1 into the usb port, windows then detected it with aload of other crap and it now works.

Still not sure what the problem was though
had the same problem a while ago turned out to be some guys wireless serurity system transmitting on the same frequency. did wonders for playing call of duty 2 :(
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