Random musing (Biomechanical engineers in here please)

2 Aug 2004
The moon
(Not a medical thread)

I was sitting (more like slouching) and I could feel my heartbeat on my chest, and I wondered if you went on a bypass machine thingy, could you use your heart as a pump to power a kick ass water gun? You must get some crazy pressure off of that beast, and the novelty value would be immense! Surely if you were on bypass you could connect your Vena Cava to a water tank, and your Aorta to a nozzle for spraying purposes?

Hereth end the psychopathic rambling
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Mikol said:
No, your heart would die as there would be no oxygen supplied to the myocardial cells.

Although, I suppose for a few odd bursts, yes.
Even if the Coronary arteries were still connected and you were using a heart/lung machine akin to what they use in bypass surgery?

Damn, me and Igor will have to return to the drawing board.
Mikol said:
No, your heart would die as there would be no oxygen supplied to the myocardial cells.

Although, I suppose for a few odd bursts, yes.
Seems worth it to me!
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