Random Restarts

6 Jun 2004
Hi peeps,

I've built a computer for a friend and now taken on the lifetime support role! i built the computer around christmas time around a semporn 2400 processor.

It has 512 Mb RAM and a reasonable power supply, I forget the exact power of it.

Lately her computer started to restart on a regular basis, every 10 mins or so. I went round and had a look and there was various spyware type stuff on there from GAIN software, such as emoticons for MSN etc. After removal the random restarts appeared to stop, however they have now started again.

Any ideas where I should start looking, firstly I am going to see if that software has misteriously creaped back on, if not I was going to start by changing the RAM and then go to PSU and then I wouldn't have a clue!! :)

Any help appreciated!!


Its possible `cleaning` it out didn`t remove everything,check out the task manager for fishy entries in running processes,and any programs in the add/remove panel.
Try a free online virus/adware scanner at trend.com.
Oh and yeh try and stop pc rebooting with this
Disabling the “restart on system failure” feature may permit the exact cause to be isolated: Right-click on My Computer, click Properties, click the Advanced tab. Under “Startup & Recovery,” click Settings. Under “System Failure,” uncheck the box in front of “Automatically restart.”.
Hopefully its not hardware related yet,good luck
I had a simalr prob, which the guys on here deduced one of my memory chips and somehow decided to conflict 4 years down the line!
So its now removed and no more restarts! :D
I was thinking at giving that a bash, maybe a job for tomorrow.

I've ruled out the RAM modules any way, I swapped the 2 x 256 for my 1 x 512 and it still crashed.

When it does crash, you have to wait a period of time before it will allow you to turn it on again, this suggested to me a heat issue, but when I go into the BIOS it says that it is running at 32 degrees!

Any help appreciacted, and thanks to those who already have

Does the computer also reboot itself in safe mode?.....

If not, its a good indication of a software issue.

32 degrees is a reasonable temperature for the cpu.

Have you tried clearing the CMOS?
Just gone to turn it on again, and it wouldn't boot at all, even after over 2 hours standing.

Replaced the PSU in it and it booted, I wonder if that was the cause of all the problems??

Does it sound a reasonable answer? - Do PSU's deteriorate over time?

How can I tell if the PSU is knackered?


killer_uk said:
And remember - NEVER build a PC for a friend or family..... ;)
quoted for absolute truth.

When you meant `reasonable` psu you actually meant it came with the £25 case :D.Had 2 of those go in old machines till lesson learnt.400 watt means nothing when they cost £8.Hope this fixes things!
luminous said:
quoted for absolute truth.

When you meant `reasonable` psu you actually meant it came with the £25 case :D.Had 2 of those go in old machines till lesson learnt.400 watt means nothing when they cost £8.Hope this fixes things!

It was one that came with the case, a case that was not all that expensive, I've just put my old one in from my previous case, hoping it can last the pace!!

Thanks for all the help guys, so far so good!!! :)
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