Random thought

3 May 2012
Forgive my obvious lack of scientific knowledge through this post, I am sure some of you guys that are smarter than I am can pick up the slack.

I was on my walk today thinking about breathing.

So, we all think of the energy our bodies use as the food we eat, you eat a biscuit, it contains X calouries which is the energy your body uses, you burn X amount of calouries a day.

But, what about oxygen?

I guess most of us know that Oxygen is full of energy, if you take a bottle of pure oxygen, its highly flammable. I am guessing its possible to measure the amount of energy burning oxygen creates (in joules maybe?)

I am guessing then the same thing is happening in your body when you breath in, your body takes the Oxygen to your organs and muscles etc, where it is burned (sort of) and produces co2. This, then just like burning pure oxygen, must release energy that we can measure?

So, if I am on track so far....

Could we then find out the average volume of oxygen a human breathes in, say during a day. And then can we work out the equivalent amount of energy that is used?

And then, can we somehow compare that to the amount of energy we get through food, eg 2000 colouries a day = an amount of energy, vs the amount we get through breathing?
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