Rapper with downs syndrome

It was a bit cringe worthy to be perfectly honest.

Although one of the comments made me laugh, like the evil monster that i am.

"that was retarded " :eek:

Delete this if it causes offense.
Blokey57 said:
Kind of putting it lightly, but respect to the guy for doing it. :)

Definately. I'm not the type of person who would demean the achievements of anyone, least of all the disabled as, but this is pushing things a tad and I don't need to have seen it yet to imagine how it's going to be...

How severe is his downs by the way?
Gaahhhhhh and I tried to stay so neutral... ok satan warm up the lube i'll be joining you in around 50 years. These comments on YouTube made me laugh... i'm semi-ashamed to say.

that was well good he sounds like sylvester the cat, thuffering thukkatassh

wth!? is he saying? Is this real or a joke? I was so confused I cut my toes off and began smoking them then I cleaned up all my board games even though I haven't played them in years.

Seriously though what a crap record... even if a good rapper sang it then it would still be crap, his disability had nothing to do with that.

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clean up da game
clean up da game
clean up da game
clean up da game


clean up da game
clean up da game
clean up da game
clean up da game

I'll see you boys in hell too.
Anyone else remember Slo Mo (the rapping retard) from about ten years ago? Oldskool Internets, yo.

I got my pants on...ALL BY MYSELF!

thats just awful ? who on earth would ever listen to any rapper who just repeated the same lyrics , the tune behind those horrid lyrics isnt even good :/ :(

blind fury off mtvs rap battle program was the best

got absolutely torn apart in the battle though :(
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