Raspberry pi as NAS

3 Jan 2018
Has anyone here used a Pi as a NAS? I'm considering giving a go with my Model B+ ( I think it's a + anyway) using a powered USB enclosure for multiple drives.

I'd then consider having it as an FTP server as well, possibly with two drive setups:

- A nas drive array for general storage
- A skyhawk drive (or other alternative to SkyHawk) for our security cameras to store to via FTP.

Wondering if anyone here has Used a Pi as a NAS/FTP controller before? I can't imagine a storage server needs a lot of cpu/ ram as the most frequent use will be the surveillance which I can setup to batch.
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I have a 4b+ running:


All on the same Pi. It can't handle it if not many users are using it at the same time.
I should be alright then as a basic storage server. It won't have many users, the NAS side will let much be archive: Photos, videos etc. The main usage will come from the security cam writing to the Skyhawk
I was using a Pi4 as a basic portable FileServer/NAS mainly running Emby, NextCloud and SyncThing and it was fine - but as other have said not really meant for multi-use.
Given the cost of getting hold of a Pi I've also dabbled with a Khadas VIM 4 which runs Ubuntu (or Android) - the extra grunt it had made Emby fly (even streaming 4K stuff with no issues)
I've got a RPI4 running OpenMediaVault with a single SSD set up that I can access the shares from multiple computers. Works pretty well but I can't get true gigabit speeds on transfers to and from the NAS due I think to the Ethernet and USB ports using the same controller. Still for a small and cheap product with a free NAS it works very well.
It’s a hassle with anything older than a pi2. Open media vault works on pi2 and newer. its handy enough to install, maybe a bit more difficult to setup but totally worth it if you have some spares storage….
lots of projects for Ras Pi NAs

hear are 2 :
Its a nice project

does lots of good content.

main issues are power for the most part, as mechanical disk take a lot more power than ssd's.

i think my next storage array will be pure ssd's just for power and quiet operation, also makes backup quicker.
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