As per title folks. its a MLX90640 Thermal Camera Breakout attached to a pi4. I've bought the breakout board hat for it as well, as my soldering skills leave something to be desired.
I've tried to setup said camera but to no avail. The pi detects the camera but the python script wont run. I'm no expert on raspberry pi and what hardware you can run, I follow instructions and get frustrated when things don't work as they should and there's no help
Any ideas? If anyone has the same setup and has got it to work, I would like to be able to get it to work as I want to see where there are any heat leaks from a couple of properties.
I've tried to setup said camera but to no avail. The pi detects the camera but the python script wont run. I'm no expert on raspberry pi and what hardware you can run, I follow instructions and get frustrated when things don't work as they should and there's no help
Any ideas? If anyone has the same setup and has got it to work, I would like to be able to get it to work as I want to see where there are any heat leaks from a couple of properties.