Raspberry Pi Zero W Pirate Radio - HDMI to 3.5mm audio converter

25 Jun 2020
Feel free to move this if it's in the wrong section as I think it's correct.

I got one of these but if I get one of those hdmi to 3.5mm audio converter then would I be able to listen to sound on there via headphones (connected to 3.5mm) without having the other end plugged into a TV?

If yes, will something like this work https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vimmor-Portable-Power-Free-Raspberry-Projector-Black/dp/B077TTZ8FJ/ref=asc_df_B077TTZ8FJ/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=375464630119&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11997765861419785428&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvloc

Using the correct cables of course.
We have a rPi thread, https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/raspberry-pi-35-linux-computer.18314536/ but the Pi Zero W uses mini-hdmi, that adapter is full size HDMI. I couldn't say if a MiniHDMI-HDMI -> HDMI-3.5mm adapter would work you may have to give it a go and can always return to Amazon if not. If you search Pi Zero W 3.5mm there is a lot of youtube videos and forums of people doing similar things to yourself so that may be better to watch to see what they use.
I don't think this will work because the audio output isn't coming directly from the Pi, its coming from the pHAT BEAT hat and it's not at headphone level, it's got an amplifier to drive the speaker so if you try and redirect that to headphones, it'll blow them pretty quickly.

I've got the same unit and I use it most days :)
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