Raspeberry Pi 2, Amazon Fire Stick or something else for kodi?

7 Feb 2004
I've currently got a Minix Neo X8-H to run kodi on and also to stream from my microserver.
I'm after adding this setup to another tv but looking at using a cheaper solution like a Rasperry Pi 2, Amazon Fire stick etc, can anyone recommend the cheapest, best option that will enable me to do this?

Thanks :)
Up until today I was using the RPI2 and it worked flawlessly with both Kodi and OSMC. Since getting the Fire Stick though and sideloading Kodi it has also been running great.

I prefer how the Fire Stick just slots into the HDMI and then a micro-USB for power. With my RPI 2 I had a micro-USB, separate HDMI cable and then an ethernet.

I also feel I could be better utilising the Pi eg File server.

TL;DR I recommend the Fire Stick if it is going to be used for Kodi! Handles 1080p fine and although sometimes a tiny bit of lag in menus is mostly smooth. The remote is decent and the Android app is also very good to act as a control and virtual keyboard!
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