Rate this bundle deal please

same one i bought a few weeks ago, good bit of kit and a good price, with a good vga card its all you need, i added a top end solid state drive and will work great for any game you want to through at it, so i guess it all depends on what you want to do with it and what you have upgraded from etc and price you want to pay

(upgrading from a PhenomX4 965 setup) with decent amount of ram and a good vga, then still yes if your looking for something to last a while longer, but if only the first bit and not enough ram or a poor vga, then maybe think about a ram and video card update only price, then compare with bundle, i'd still go with bundle myself as board and bits will be later and faster but if money tight then upgrade your rig for now and total build at a later date.
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pc all built and up and running with above bundle, easy as anything to install, all th work was done for me tbh, just plugged in 2 sdd Adata Premier Pro SP900 256GB 2.5" SATA 6Gb/s Solid State Hard Drives, my old vga card which im now going to update as well, plus my cheiftec full tower might also get mothballed as well, served me well over the many years, had more psu in it than i care to think of, pc is running like a dream, just installing my steam games as i didn't back them up, 140gb odd, all total war series plus a few others, can't wait to test it later, thank god for virgin media 100mb cable.

cant recommend this bundle more of speak any higher of overclockers either, been with them since 26th February 07 but haven't been a forum member long, but out of 100 i'd give this 99 at least, would have got 100% but someone keeps taking my haribo's out of my orders :)

temps so far with Zero Infinity Phantom Knight CPU Cooler installed, start up 21c at 30% 50% cpu use temp goes to 31c, will take to 100% later and see how cool it stays, just ran some bench marks and got it to 41c so guessing thats as high as it will go, will test it on for 24hrs and keep at default settings done by OC's and see how cool it stays, so far a great bundle and setup, temps are very good, got a noisy fan but will change that as its no big deal.
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Congrats on your new upgrade zak, that's a really nice bundle. I'm wanting to upgrade to something similar soon.

thanks, working great and posted temps as was shocked at how low they are after 24 hours on, the cooler should be more than 5 stars, big yes, very very big, wont fit in many cases im guessing but well worth it if it does.

needs the latest vga card to do it justice, plays all game i have, and im disabled so play 8 to 12 hours a day so have more than a few :) spending the rest of the time online on forums helping where i can.

i have been using and playing with pc, building in a shop for 15 years and had me first pc back in 1981, but still never overclocked my self but think i could have also done it myself but sometimes it's nice to have something done for you, and for the extra few £ it's been well worth it, over the next few days im going to see how much different it is to a buld i did last week, also from OC, thats a pre built AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4170 Black Edition 4.20Ghz which tbh was like a rocket
I'm in the market for a bundle and this would have tied me over nicely for a few years. Gutted I missed it at the £350 price point, currently at £423. Guess I will wait and look out for the next deal :p

Did you go for this in the end midlife?
I just cannot get myself to pull the trigger on a new setup, my old Phenom 965 + GTX275 complete with under clocked memory [is a golden sample mode,l the standard overclock a little too much for it] is still serving me OK. Give me the specks for something like say, Doom 4 or HL3 and then I will know its time to splash the cash. When Doom 3 was new it crippled my then gaming PC don't want to upgrade now to have to do it again in a few months.
you wouldn't have to, in a year or 2 maybe, but for me a new vga next year and the year after maybe and i'll still be ok, 3 years then yes a new one needed, but if it last 3 years i'll be well happy anyway
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