Raw Edits

10 Apr 2011
So I saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpzjvW6nJu8

Essentially he's editing people's raw files in his style.

Would anyone be up for this at all? IE Post a raw or send directly to someone and then they post the result? (I understand this is a touchy subject for some people, and you don't have to use your best shots!)

Just thinking it could be a bit of fun?
Never heard of him! What's his claim to fame? He seems like a pretty cool dude going by the video posted though so fair play.

Here's a D&G :)d) from a recent wedding, interested in seeing how you guys would process this one vs how I've already done it!

He's a youtuber as far as I can see - a very enthusiastic one. Ijust liked the idea of seeing people's different approaches to edits

Will give this a go later, and upload one from my safari trip - glad this got some uptake.
Here's my go on the wedding shot:

And one for you guys to have a crack at:
This is a great thread.

May I make a suggestion? It seems to be a lot more fun and engaging that the photographic competitions that we’ve had in the past, and just cannot get off the ground again now. So how about we make this a weekly thing? A starting user posts their raw file, and others submit their preferred processing. At the end of the week, the original user posts their own edit and selects the other processed image that they prefer, with some feedback on why. The owner of that selected photo then posts their own raw file for the week, and the process (pun intended) begins again.


Like this idea - we should probably create another thread to formalise it though as it might get a bit lost in here? Feel free to take the reins!
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