RAW files to PNG/RAW going dark?

8 May 2014
Currently using Stepok Raw Importer to batch convert my photos to these file formats. Unfortunately when I do this all of my photos seem to go a lot darker.

I'm presuming someone here has an easy way to do this? Preferably batch, I really don't want to do hundreds of photos one at a time. And preferably not using software I have to pay for.

Any advise guys?

EDIT: Title was supposed to say PNG/JPEG
Any benefit to shooting in a different file format?
I don't know much about photography.

Also any solution to my conversion issue?
Not sure if it can save both formats of image at the same time. But I will be changing to jpeg for the future as I don't do any editing.

Just really need help as to how I should change the format without the picure actually changing. It goes considerably darker and looks terrible.
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