RAW's looking oversaturated

6 Nov 2010
Behind the camera...

Does anyone else's raws look over saturated in Lightroom when they are first imported? I don't know if it's my camera or the lighting at the time or what, usually I just turn down the saturation abit but it's buggin me.
Monitor is calibrated.
Just wondering if there are any settings in camera or in Lightroom I can check, everything is set to sRGB.

I have the opposite actually. My RAW files tend to need a small boost. JPEG processing in camera comes out better, although the noise reduction isn't amazing even at its lowest.
Check to see if lightroom has a RAW boost default option. Aperture has a boost and hue boost option, both which drastically change the RAW file upon import.
When you import your images into lightroom you haven't left on a preset which includes a saturation boost?
Will check cheers
All the sliders are at 0 so I don't think the saturation is changed
It looks fine while the loading thing is there but then it changes lol
I've still not used Lightroom much (Aperture user) but I know that with Aperture it loads a default RAW processing for the particular model of camera when you import photos. You can however tweak the RAW processing it automatically applies should you wish it to do something else by default. Does Lightroom do something similar and perhaps you have changed it?
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