Rawshooter Question

18 Oct 2002
I purchased RSE Premium a while back, and then never used it! Well i "did" a wedding the other day and decided to try it out properly for some reason.

Now, i have gone through the shots and graded them, 1-2-3-4 etc using the built in system but is there any way of getting it to print a list of the picture numbers by grade, so can i have a list of all images graded "1" or is this not possible?
Ok, thanks for the help.

to be honest i rarely use the program favouring Photoshop CS2, but i thought as i bought it i'd try it out!
Hmm ok, really stupid question, once i've done some tweeking and conversion how do i "get the image out" there is no done, save, complete, finish type button.

All i want is to convert the image to my preference and save a tiff for further work - at this rate i will be back in CS2 in no time at all leaving RSP forever!
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