Ray LaMontagne

30 Oct 2004
Sacramento, CA, USA
I've just got back from his gig in Sheffield and it's got to be one of the most powerful gigs I've been too, emotions-wise. He played at City Hall to an audience of roughly 700-1000 so it wasn't huge by any means, but you could almost hear the anguish and pain in his voice and guitar playing. He's got a really unique voice and a fantastic songwriting ability, and it was a real privilege to be able to see him play tonight :)

Anyone here a fan of Ray or been to one of his gigs?
The other album is "Til The Sun Turns Black" and I prefer it over Trouble - some fantastic songs on the album and even a bit of funk. (Three More Days)

Just put it on now, going to be a good morning :D
Think so, aye. Having said that I only got into him a few weeks ago from a last FM recommendation :o
He sang Trouble really strongly at Sheffield actually! Best song had to be "Three More Days" though, because it's a bit more funky and he puts just as much emotion into it. (I think YouTube has a Hootenanny version of it which isn't bad at all) :)
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