Razer Barracuda™ AC-1 Gaming Audio Card

had on my old av8 3eye mobo and system wouldnt boot and removed and put in audigy and all was ok
half people i know have probs x-fi cards,so think the best out there
been using creative audio cards for long time,takes a lot for me to change
support was poor to solve from creative,the keep blaming my hardware which i had no issues with,have used audig,audig2 and now audugy 4 with no probs,had the music version
squiffy said:
lol. He's got a ATI 3200 chipset, and X-Fi has problems with that chipset. Crackling.

I'll take it off your hands if it's crackling, if it's ok I'll give you money. If it crackles too I'll send it back to ye.
which my dfi mobo
so way guy
got rid of x-fi music good while ago and installed the audigy4 instead ,just looking for better
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