Razer Vs Creative

16 Dec 2005
Halifax W'Yorkshire
hello there. i have a few questions.

at the moment i have a X-FI fatality FPS edition gaming card.
Medusa 5.1 surround headset.

and im wondering if the:

Razer Barracuda gaming sound card
Razer barracuda Gaming headset

would be better than my current parts.

and if they are, are they more:

.clear sound?
.better surround sound quality?
.more confy headset and more enjoyable sound to the ears?
.better performance in every way possible?
.worth the price?

thank you

if theres anything which i should be warned about with the razer products if you have them your selves, please let me know.

thanks :)
Not sure about sound chipsets but as far as headsets go..

the razor Hp1 Baraccuda is way better than the medusa 5.1 headsets.

and far louder aswell and more clearer.. and kicks the ass of the medusas in music quality aswell..


thats your question answered about the headsets.
the the razor hp1 headset works perfect aswell with the creative sound card, Xfi fatality.. im useing that combination currently ;)
I've got X-Fi Xtreme Music card, and did have 5.1 Medusas. They are excellent headsets but way too fragile. I've had two pairs!! I decided to go for Icemat headsets, and they work brilliantly with the X-FI. Even though it is a stereo headset, the positional audio is brilliant.
i know what you mean about the medusa thing, im on my 5th pair.

im wondering if its time to pack it in with the whole medusa thing and go razer style.

but as posted above, it seems the x-fi is a better card
The main difference is that Creative support EAX 5.0 for the games sound and if the games support that then stick with the Xi-Fi.

The Razer and other cards based on the chipset main claim is they can output Dolby and DTS Surround sound from whatever the sound input is. ie they are Dolby Digital Live and DTS Connect sound cards. They only support EAX 2.0 though.

I have the Fatality Xi-Fi and Razer headset (after broke my Zalman's) and I have found to be a good combo.

For games Creative are the cards if the software developers use the EAX for sound otherwise I would get the Razer, and output in Dolby Surround.
IceShock said:
ok thanks.

are the razer headphones + x-fi better than medusa 5.1 + x-fi?


Do your self a favor, Get the Razor HP1 Headset and XFI Fatality Sound card, that is the ultimate gameing/movies/everything combination for PC..

I use to own the Medusas + XFI fatality and after a wile they sounded like crap, music sounds so hollow.. gameing sounded fine.
but Medusa and Xfi soundcard do not beat the above combination for features and music listning and gameing and movies. ;)
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