Razorlight - I Can't Stop this Feeling I've Got

Razorlight and all these new bands seem to annoy me. They all have curly hair and the same singing style. Razorlight, the Kooks, they're all the same. Nothing special.
good but VERY over-rated
brilliant songs, i just dislike Jonny Borrel...i'd say the same thing about The Kooks and The Libertines/Babyshambles - all over-rated
Yep, this song is great.

It was the only song which stood out to me on the album. In fact, looking on iTunes now I've played it 20 times, America about 25 times and everything else 1 time :D
Indie said:
good but VERY over-rated
brilliant songs, i just dislike Jonny Borrel...i'd say the same thing about The Kooks and The Libertines/Babyshambles - all over-rated

I agree. Not a fan of any of those bands.
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