RB67 and 140mm Macro

19 Jan 2007
As in the title, browsing in the local camera shop today, popped a deposit on a Mamiya RB67 and 140 Macro.

It is getting reconditioned in the next week or so, so should be faultless on receipt.

Any RB67 users here?
I considered it but couldn't justify the weight of an RB/RZ as the old pentax 67 + 105/2.5 we used to have was heavy enough. I've stuck to using a pair of mamiya m645 bodies and a franka rolfix 6x9 folding camera. I also use the mamiya glass on my nikon D810 as the 80/1.9 and 150/2.8 are superb. I'm quite tempted with the idea of a hasselblad 503cw or contax 645 but it's hard to justify the expense.
They are a bit on the weighty and large side.

This will be my first larger format camera so am looking forward to it, the learning curve looks a little steep with no electronic metering.
I use a gossen lightmeter with mine when I have the WLF fitted. Since the 645 doesn't have the revolving back like the RB/RZ, it is easier to stick with a metering prism instead though. Using the sunny 16 rule is usually ok with neg films as they are tolerant to exposure error but I'd want to be more certain with slide film.
I was reading the manual trying to get to grips with the exposure compensation scale, and the complexities of using the extensions. I hope it will all come together when I have the actual camera in front of me. I liked the WLF, and the magnifier will be great for fine focusing.

We have a Western Euromaster with Invercone to help out with the initial settings.

If I understand correctly, I will be enjoying a deeper depth of field overall.
RB and RZ are heavy beasts...too heavy for my liking.
I have ended up with Pentax 645n - it was Pentax or mamiya 645af but could not find the latter for price I wanted at the time :)
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