RDC ,Terminal server exceeded maximum number

5 Dec 2005
I have got two PCs (Desktop and Laptop) 2003 server, I have got these users on Desktop :
pfan-->password : pfan-->Member of Group: Remote Desktop Users
nshoe-->password: nshoe-->Member of Group: Remote Desktop Users

When I tried to login from laptop to Desktop as username:Administrator and its associated password,,there is no problem

When I tried to login from laptop to Desktop as username : pfan (there is no other concurrent (simultenous) remote desktop connection) and its associated password,,I am receiving this error connection:
Terminal server has exceeded maximum number of allowed connection".

And when I tried to login from laptop to Desktop as username:nshoe (there is no other concurrent (simultenous) remote desktop connection) and its associated password,,I am receiving the same error above.

1- Why Am I recieving this error message ?

2- How many concurrent Remote Desktop Connection for different (obvious for the same user from different PCs, I can not have) users can I have ?
Terminal Server in administration mode (or just remote desktop connection as it is in 2003) will only give you 2 concurrent connections. Use terminal services manager to kill/logoff the sessions you arent using.
I think you will find that unless you have licensed terminal services with microsoft, then you are running in remote admin mode, which has a limit of 2 concurrent users who must be members of the administrators group. Remote desktop group are not administrators. If you get your 2003 disc out you can install terminal services in application mode which will work for approx 120 days. After which you have to license your terminal server with MS and buy client licenses.
which has a limit of 2 concurrent users who must be members of the administrators group. Remote desktop group are not administrators.
You meant since the two users that (pfan, nshoe) I have created are not member of the admin group (Remote desktop group are not administrators), they were not able to login remotely ?

which has a limit of 2 concurrent users
You meant If I want to stick only with two users, I do not need to install terminal services , but if I want to increase the number of users simultenoulsy loging remotly to a server remolty, I have to install
If you get your 2003 disc out you can install terminal services in application mode which will work for approx 120 days. After which you have to license your terminal server with MS and buy client licenses.
which has a limit of 2 concurrent users who must be members of the administrators group. Remote desktop group are not administrators.

You are right the "administrators group" are not different from "Remote desktop group ".

But I do not need to add these two users (pfan, nshoe) to "administrators group" instead of "Remote desktop group ".

I logged in as username pfan, I was able, then simultenously I loggeg in as username nshoe, I was able also.

there is a maximum connection limit of two sessions. Active and disconnected sessions are calculated in this connection limit; I have to Logoff (or reset) from the discoonected session and the problem has been solved.
Use terminal services manager to kill/logoff the sessions you arent using.
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