RDRAM question

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Bit of a noob with RDRAM here. The system has two 64Mb RIMMs installed, can I add two 128Mb modules to the other two slots or do all 4 have to be the same?

Also a quick speed question. I have no idea what the current RDRAM is running at, 600 or 800Mhz, except it's a P4 system from around 2000 to 2001. If I get the higher of the two speeds will it work at the lower speed like SDRAM and DDR?

I see :D

I can't do that unfortunately as the machine isn't mine. Was hoping it would be like PC100 vs PC133, damn its eyeballs.

I must say though, it acts like a machine that has more than 128Mb RAM, I was surprised.
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