RE: 9800 pro, Oblivion and Processes

11 Aug 2004

Im running an AMD 2600, 1Gig 333Mhz DDR and 9800 Pro. I have experimented with Oblivion no end....

I was running it at 1024x768, distant lands on. I noticed that the 9800pro doesnt like shadows at all. But they add so much more to the game.

So now I have shadows on. 2 Steps inside, and 1 step outside. Distant lands on. High Texture Resolution. 3/4 slider for grass and trees. Objects 1/2 to 3/4. bloom lighting. I have the page file on its own partition on a seperate drive.

I was averaging about 14-17 fps with the above settings.

Recently before I play the game I disconnect my network adapter. bring up Task Manager and kill almost all the processes I can without crashing my machine. AV, Firewall, even FRAPS! I can manage on about 12-14 Processes.

I dont know what my FPS is now, but i can tell you there is a noticeable difference. Well worthwhile. I cant advice you on what processes to kill, as you will certainly have a different setup to me. But its well worth it.
I was going to buy a X1600Pro, but have read that they are not that good. Beaten by the X800 hands down. However the X800 doesnt have shader model 3. So no HDR. So, I will not be upgrading my 9800 Pro.

Not just yet....
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