Re-encoding music files to lower bitrates

24 Feb 2004
Is there any program that allows automatic downsampling of multiple audio files and/or conversion to different formats simultaneously? My music collection is in a mixture of wma, mp3, rmvb and ogg formats, most at 192kbps, and I'd like to convert large numbers of files to 64kbps mp3 or wma formats so I can transfer them to my phone. I used to use Nero Wave Editor, but it's pretty slow. I 've tried Lame for MP3s, and it's much faster, but it too can only do 1 file at a time from what I've seen, and, of course, has no love for WMAs. Anything better out there?
Yeah Lame is a great encoder, but AFAIK it doesn't support other formats, of which over 1/3 of my collection is caused.

I would honestly simply re-rip from the CDs at a lower bitrate, but about 90% of them are back home in Cyprus so that's not an option... :rolleyes:
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