Re-install iTunes and lost library

13 Aug 2006

Just finished (well kind of) wiping my OS hard drive and re-installing everything.

Prior to doing this I exported my iTunes library (the file - not the music) to another HD, which also happens to be where my music files actualy are.

I have re-installed iTunes, however I can't seem to import the library that I exported.

I've viewed various websites, including one that talks about holding shift down to open from start menu.... the process worked, but it was looking for a .itl file when my library file is an XML.

Oddly enough, I've been able to import my playlists from this file, but not the songs.

Have I made a major booboo or can someone please offer any advice?


Someone might be able to correct me if I'm wrong but I thought "Export Library" just gave you a list of your files. The important bit is the .itl.

You have all your music so you could just drop it all into "Automatically Add to iTunes" folder, it'll just make a new library for you.
I'm not sure I understand.

Do you think that I have the play lists etc, I can just drop the files in and it will recall all the ratings, play times et cetc????

You haven't correctly backed up your library. You will just have to start again by re-importing everything, unless you backed up the folder that contained the library before the rebuild.
Well... the location of the music is on a seperate drive and i exported the library before re-installing everything......... I'm not sure what I did wrong.

all you i-tunes purchased stuff wil be available to re-download for FREE with the new cloud system they use :-

click on i-tunes store - ( far left )
then click on "purchased" - far right

you wil then get a list of all music you have via itunes ... wil be a cloud symbol far left .. click on it to download , wont cost you a penny

you have to click each cloud tho :( which if you got a lot of mucis might take you soem time
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If you exported your entire iTunes folder (including .itl file) then you'll be able to restore your library where you left off.

If you just exported your music folder then you'll have to make a new library (load itunes and import them all again).

Export Library function does not do what you thought it did.
Afraid I have to agree with the guys, you didn't backup the library properly.

In this case I would just go into your preference and change the default music location
to point to the location of your stored music on your 2nd drive and then let it catalogue
everything again, at least you will know for next time if you need to do it again.

P.S. Its a lot easier just to purchase iTunes Match, that way you don't even have to store
the music you have on your system and you can just stream it from the iTunes servers
and you never loose it or anything.
How should I do this if there is a next time?

I have just re-installed iTunes and have tested 'exporting library' from the
File>Library>Export Library menu and it wants to export it in an XML format again.

If this is how you export a library, how do you re-import it? What other way is there to export and then re-import a library.

I'm positive this has worked for me before.

I'm sorry to go on, but I really want to understand this.

Just for clarity:

iTunes is located on my operation drive (C).
my music file that contains all of my itunes music is located on drive (E)
I exported, using the above method) my library to the (E). Please note that this was only a single file.

My individual music files are still located in the same place, so they have not moved, my exported file has not changed. So, why can't I simple re-import it?


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