Since the changes brought in 7.3.5, the old content scales for leveling in a way similar to Legion.
There are some caps on leveling zones, but generally you do not outlevel a zone before you finish it.
These changes however also apply to both dungeons and raids of old. Which has a few of us asking, would anyone else like to join us for trying Old Content at the correct level, much like Overachievers did during Cataclysm.
For more info on the Leveling Changes if you haven't seen or heard of it,
And for details on the changes to heirlooms and mob health pool increases,
Reliving Yesterday, An old content raiding guild.
The same ruleset that overachievers used to use would apply, with minor differences.
My Battletag is Markeh#2286, feel free to add me and request an invite. I will be setting it so anyone can invite, incase I'm not about.
For anyone thinking that it is going to be easy mode faceroll. The streamer Asmongold is currently doing something similar, called Project 80. So far Ive managed to see them take down Thaddius, then wipe to Sapphiron.
It looked like an actual raid, with people dying to Thaddius polarity shift and how long it took for the bosses to go down. I would post a link to one of the videos, but the language can be a bit colourful. So instead here is a link to the twitch profile where the stuff is.
There are some caps on leveling zones, but generally you do not outlevel a zone before you finish it.
These changes however also apply to both dungeons and raids of old. Which has a few of us asking, would anyone else like to join us for trying Old Content at the correct level, much like Overachievers did during Cataclysm.
For more info on the Leveling Changes if you haven't seen or heard of it,
And for details on the changes to heirlooms and mob health pool increases,
Reliving Yesterday, An old content raiding guild.
The same ruleset that overachievers used to use would apply, with minor differences.
- No Death Knights, Monks, or Demon Hunters until the content that contains their tier pieces.
- Races however is fine, this includes new allied races.
- No Heirloom gear for raid content, so this will include a gearing up process.
- No gear from future expansions, so no Outland or Northrend gear for Classic content and so on, this also applies to professions, with the exception of mounts.
- No Purchasing Tier Gear beyond what we have cleared. e.g, Buying T10 in Dalaran the moment you hit 80.
My Battletag is Markeh#2286, feel free to add me and request an invite. I will be setting it so anyone can invite, incase I'm not about.
For anyone thinking that it is going to be easy mode faceroll. The streamer Asmongold is currently doing something similar, called Project 80. So far Ive managed to see them take down Thaddius, then wipe to Sapphiron.
It looked like an actual raid, with people dying to Thaddius polarity shift and how long it took for the bosses to go down. I would post a link to one of the videos, but the language can be a bit colourful. So instead here is a link to the twitch profile where the stuff is.
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