Re-roll Guild for World of Warcraft, Anyone Interested?

31 Oct 2010
Since the changes brought in 7.3.5, the old content scales for leveling in a way similar to Legion.
There are some caps on leveling zones, but generally you do not outlevel a zone before you finish it.
These changes however also apply to both dungeons and raids of old. Which has a few of us asking, would anyone else like to join us for trying Old Content at the correct level, much like Overachievers did during Cataclysm.

For more info on the Leveling Changes if you haven't seen or heard of it,

And for details on the changes to heirlooms and mob health pool increases,

Reliving Yesterday, An old content raiding guild.

The same ruleset that overachievers used to use would apply, with minor differences.
  • No Death Knights, Monks, or Demon Hunters until the content that contains their tier pieces.
  • Races however is fine, this includes new allied races.
  • No Heirloom gear for raid content, so this will include a gearing up process.
  • No gear from future expansions, so no Outland or Northrend gear for Classic content and so on, this also applies to professions, with the exception of mounts.
  • No Purchasing Tier Gear beyond what we have cleared. e.g, Buying T10 in Dalaran the moment you hit 80.
The First level cap is 60. Once the guild is happy to, we will move beyond this to 70, 80 and so forth.
My Battletag is Markeh#2286, feel free to add me and request an invite. I will be setting it so anyone can invite, incase I'm not about.

For anyone thinking that it is going to be easy mode faceroll. The streamer Asmongold is currently doing something similar, called Project 80. So far Ive managed to see them take down Thaddius, then wipe to Sapphiron.

It looked like an actual raid, with people dying to Thaddius polarity shift and how long it took for the bosses to go down. I would post a link to one of the videos, but the language can be a bit colourful. So instead here is a link to the twitch profile where the stuff is.
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I would be interested in this. Only played a bit of Legion, got bored of it tbh. I was in the Overachievers guild from the start but things stopped me from playing. It would be nice to get back into it if only for the social and casual part of it. However if the guild was to remain at 80 permanently once it arrived there I would most definitely be playing as much as I can. Wrath was the best expansion.
I would be interested in this. Only played a bit of Legion, got bored of it tbh. I was in the Overachievers guild from the start but things stopped me from playing. It would be nice to get back into it if only for the social and casual part of it. However if the guild was to remain at 80 permanently once it arrived there I would most definitely be playing as much as I can. Wrath was the best expansion.

Was around for the first couple of Overachievers Vanilla raids and their first Naxxramas and OS runs in Wrath. It is exactly the kind of experience I'd like to recreate, especially with the changes to scaling.
Don't think I'll re-roll, but I was on Silvermoon too. What a coincidence!! Is the new levelling rules designed to make the original content behave like legacy again? i.e. 1st mount at level 40 and epic mount at level 60?

Back in Vanilla, we were a BWL guild called Scorpion Pirates. We were half way through AQ40 when the clock stopped in Dec 2006, so the only raid we never saw was Naxx. Vanilla was happy days though, my favourite era of WoW. In the Burning Crusade, there were problems with guild politics due to reduced raid sizes, but eventually we would clear Sun Well. Still happy days. In the Lich King, we did the Naxx re-release, although the WoW community started going south as it was teaming with newcomers, bringing the clientele's average age from 20s down to teenagers. My years were late 2005 to late 2009. It's still one of the best games I've played in hindsight.
Don't think I'll re-roll, but I was on Silvermoon too. What a coincidence!! Is the new levelling rules designed to make the original content behave like legacy again? i.e. 1st mount at level 40 and epic mount at level 60?.

The gearing process for end game content can help massively for that legacy feel. Even if vanilla dungeons no longer contain the dungeon sets.

As for the leveling up process, Things like heirlooms are allowed along with mounts at 20 / 40 are allowed. Flight at 60 we can agree on at a later date.

Heirlooms themselves have been toned down stat wise, along with the level scaling changes. Certainly found when leveling a fury warrior, when I got near 50 it certainly was not the pull everything and burn it down beast it used to be before 7.3.5
@Mark3h is Silvermoon the server of choice and Alliance the Faction?
Have mentioned on the wow forums as well. Some interest from others but I think some are on Azjol Nerub and might not move. Other than that I was looking at either silvermoon, draenor or argent dawn, all high pop realms. Azjol nerub is medium pop.
Ok cool. Well colour me interested then. The only time I have levelled an Alliance is with the Over achievers so doing it again will be a welcome change, new areas and races to try out. My OA toon was a human warrior iirc and only got him to mid 30s so had a bit more to explore I think.
To all interested, a new guild has been set up on Silvermoon.
Reliving Yesterday, Current level cap will be set to 60.
Allied Races are allowed.
Incase you guys are interested i have a toon who kept the old Overachievers guild alive on Moonglade, happy enough to hand the GM of the guild over if someone wants to resurrect Overachievers for this reroll.
To be honest. Unlikely to go anywhere. Hasnt been enough interest and i havent been on much recently. Work decided to fire 2 people and are in no hurry to replace them. Not leaving much free time.
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