RE: windows Vista - My Machine Rating

11 Aug 2004
It appears Vista has given my machine a rating of 3.

AMD 2600+ Ahtlon ..... 3.2
1Gig of Ram ..... 3.2
Hard Disk 64 Gig (Partition) ..... 3.8
Graphics (9800 pro) ..... 5.7 (?)
Gaming Graphics 256Mb ..... 4.4

Dont ask how it worked out 3 as the total.
Lol mine is rated 3 as well..

Athlon64 3700+ (3.6)
2GB RAM (4.0)
X850XT (5.9)
256MB GPU RAM (5.9)
Partition is 80GB (3.8)


Apparently my weakest point in my CPU which only scored 3.6...must overclock.... ;)
I think the Vista tool either rates by Mhz or the rating given is purposly low so that next generation CPU's will get a higher rating, eg. 4+
I first posted this in the Vista beta 2 thread.

Graphics must be very important becasue it gives me a 1:

The only thing I see as subpar is the GPU. I suppose it thinks I'm also running out of space on my Vista partition too. We'll see how that number changes when my X850 Pro arrives next week.

I see it names my CPU by its stock speed. I have two of them running overclocked at 3.2 GHz, not 1.6 GHz. I don't know if it is capable of detecting overclocks. If that is the case this whole rating system is useless to enthusiasts like the ones on this forum.
BillytheImpaler said:
If that is the case this whole rating system is useless to enthusiasts like the ones on this forum.

However it worked it out, a single number out of 10 is always going to be inadequate compared with detailed benchmarks. That's not the target market though, the aim is to make it that bit simpler for someone who doesn't know much at all about their hardware to know whether software they buy is likely to work or not.
I've got a 5 rating ;)

Processor: Dual Core AMD Opteron Processor 170 @ 2.5Ghz - 5.3
Memory(RAM): 1.00Gb - 5.9
Primary hard disk: 46.10Gb Free (70.12Gb Total) - 5.3
Graphics: Radeon X1900 Series - 5.9
Gaming Graphics: 512Mb Graphics Memory - 5.7

Is the hard drive bench based on speed?

As im using a 160Gb Maxtor SATA drive with over 120Gb free. Let Vista use it all but still only gives me a rating of 3.8

Everything else on my Rig is either high 4's or 5s
I'm on Raid 0 with 2 WD Raptors 74Gb varient.

So I would say it must be on drive type and speed.

My graphics card is only 128mb but it reckons 256! Mine:



P4 3.0E (skt 478)
Abit IC7 Max 3
WD Raptor 36.7gB primary drive, split in half for Vista and XP
WD Caviar 200gB data drive (SATA)
Powercolor 9800 Pro (128mB)
GeiL Ultra 512mB DC.

Seems reasonably quick in usage :)
Nem said:
I'm on Raid 0 with 2 WD Raptors 74Gb varient.

So I would say it must be on drive type and speed.


Ah, ok. Thanks ;)

I pulled this Maxtor drive out a while back when replacing it for my Raptor.
Its a little slower but still using my Raptor for XP Home.

My Below rig scores 3
BillytheImpaler said:
I see it names my CPU by its stock speed. I have two of them running overclocked at 3.2 GHz, not 1.6 GHz. I don't know if it is capable of detecting overclocks. If that is the case this whole rating system is useless to enthusiasts like the ones on this forum.
You get 4.9, I get 3.5. Mine has a higher specified stock speed yet your's is rated higher so I think it must be picking up the overclock :)
BillytheImpaler said:
As far as I can tell these ratings are magic. Nem has 1 GiB system memory and got a 5.9 and I have 2 GiB and got a 5.9 as well.

Yeh, Ive noticed that, Also the ATi Radeon 9800 Pro gets the same score as a 1900XT :confused:
null said:
You get 4.9, I get 3.5. Mine has a higher specified stock speed yet your's is rated higher so I think it must be picking up the overclock :)
But for all we know it's giving more points becasue it sees me as having 4 of them.
Each item in the list is weighted. CPU speed will count for more than hard disk space for example. Also I think the rating system isn't out of 10, it's unlimited and designed to scale with hardware.

Also the rating does take into account overclocks. I put my A64 3000 (2.2Ghz) back to stock (1.8Ghz) and the rating dropped. It doesn't make any difference to the rating if I run my grasphics overclocked or at stock though.
Dureth said:
It doesn't make any difference to the rating if I run my grasphics overclocked or at stock though.
Of course it doesn't. Short of running a benchmark, how could any software actually quantify how much additional performance that overclock gains? Law of diminishing returns 'n all...
:confused: I get the following:

dual core 2.8ghz opteron 165 = 5.4
1 gig ram = 3.5
hard drive (40 gig) = 3.7
graphics radeon x1900 = 5.9
gaming graphics = 5.8

overall rating 3 :confused:
Overall rating: 3

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400 - 5.2
Memory(RAM): 2.00 GB - 5.0
Primary Hard Disk: 285.36GB Free (298.09GB Total) - 3.7
Graphics: GeForce 7800 GTX - 5.9
Gaming Graphics: 256 MB Graphics Memory - 5.8

I think it's being a bit harsh with my disk drives, the system is running on 2 X WD Sata's in a RAID 0. I knew I should have stuck it on my raided raptors.
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