RE050 on one axle, AD08 on the other

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
I'm off to the 'Ring and while over there doing a trackday at Spa in a few weeks. I've just checked my tyres and it looks like I need new fronts as they are at 3mm. I really want some AD08's but I can't really afford to shell out for 4 as I've just paid for the Euro Tunnel, new brakes, car tax etc etc.

Would I be an idiot to put two AD08's on the rear of the car put the RE050's on the front, till say May/June when I'd get the other two?
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
The AD08's are about the stiffest tyre you can get without going semi slick. But it's predominantly a road car so that's not an option.

I might have to do as above and card it, sell my part worns on gumtree and pay it off after the trip.

I've done the ring before btw, I know what it's like and tbh I'll be taking it easy.
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