Reacher - Amazon TV series 2022

Good start to s3, felt closer to s1 Reacher and Adam is moving better than he did in s2 so it isn't distracting.

Was not expecting the bait and switch in episode 1 but glad it happened that quick to put things into place as to why he did what he did.
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Let down by episode 4, I think it would have worked better as the third episode last week as it brought the pacing to a standstill whilst we got the back story.
Let down by episode 4, I think it would have worked better as the third episode last week as it brought the pacing to a standstill whilst we got the back story.
Agreed. I'm really liking the story so far, but I feel like they gave us the triple episode premiere which was a good pace and then this 1st weekly episode just really slowed it down.

Would have worked more with dotted flashbacks from Reacher. Prob setting it up as his redemption if he finds the girl alive etc etc.
Though Ritchson does portray Reacher boiling with anger without a single word said and typical scream very very well lol.
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Way better episode this week after lasts week slow one, first time felt that amount of tension in a while watching Reacher.

Frenchie came out of no where, wonder if she actually was or if they just said she was ATF.
Also got the feeling Reacher was pulling his punch he took at the big fella to make him think Hes weaker than he is etc etc.
I enjoyed the first series of Reacher and I stuck with series 2 but I can’t watch anymore of series 3, it just doesn’t do it for me.Ok, I’ve only watched one episode and about 30 minutes of episode 2 but nah.
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