Reactivating Windows 7

1 Aug 2005
I want to change the motherboard and CPU of a computer that runs Windows 7 [retail edition]. Will this cause issues? Will I be able to/have to reactivate since W7 isn't supported anymore?
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If it's just the board, you'll probably get away with it. There's a threshold for a certain number of items changing. 5 from 10 IIRC.

New board will usually trip the MAC address and disk controllers check. Keep the same GPU,CPU, RAM and drives and it should be fine.

Last time I checked, 7 would still activate. A fresh installation requires patching up before it'll activate as the root certificates to connect to the servers were updated at some point.
If it's just the board, you'll probably get away with it. There's a threshold for a certain number of items changing. 5 from 10 IIRC.

New board will usually trip the MAC address and disk controllers check. Keep the same GPU,CPU, RAM and drives and it should be fine.

Last time I checked, 7 would still activate. A fresh installation requires patching up before it'll activate as the root certificates to connect to the servers were updated at some point.

Ah, I should have said I will be changing the CPU as well.
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