ReactOS - one to watch?

11 Jan 2010
Has anyone here played around with this?

ReactOS (React Operating System) is an open source computer operating system intended to be binary compatible with application software and device drivers made for Microsoft Windows NT versions 5.x and up (Windows 2000 and its successors). A spin off of a previous attempt to clone Windows 95, development started in early 1998, and has continued with the incremental addition of features already found in Windows.

ReactOS Info



I remember trying this one a while back before they got some attention for (maybe) copying some Windows XP source code and using it. They are still working on it, might set it up on an old machine, see how it's coming along.
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Well, it's being built from the ground up (not Linux) as a free alternative to running Windows. So that's full compatibility with all Windows code, drivers and applications.

From the F.A.Q.:

Why ReactOS? Why clone Microsoft Windows?

First of all, ReactOS is not a clone of Windows. ReactOS is an operating system that is compatible with Microsoft Windows applications and drivers. Some of the reasons are the same as the reasons for developing Linux (an open-source UNIX clone)? In short, Linux is a great operating system, but it is not the answer for everybody. There are a lot of people that like Microsoft Windows, but are very frustrated with Microsoft's policies on various issues.

The 9x family of Microsoft Windows is based on DOS, and shares many of its weaknesses, which is the primary reason why Microsoft Windows has such a bad name. The Microsoft Windows NT family of Windows, however, has a solid design. Not everything is perfect, but without access to the source code, there is no way to fix it, so a compatible operating system must be built from the ground up.
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That's the idea. But it's still alpha so probably not yet. The screenshots page shows Unreal Tourmament, Quake 2 and Halo but I think the biggest obstacle will be driver support.
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