Reading glasses me a game?

11 Jan 2005
I'm bored of mindlessly shooting people... and quite got back into black and white 2. Myself being only a year into online gaming have only ever played fps'ers and b&w2 and a few racers mainly, looking for something new and fresh though.

Guild wars gripped me for a few weeks, but bored me after. It's basically what I'd like, an mmo, I think? Making a new char, living out their day to day whatnot, quests and stuff can do in a group of other people. But not point click kill lots of carp. (also I aint paying monthly, thats stupid imo.)

Although is an mmo what I desire? I don't fully understand the bg behind one, what one entails.. would an rts be better? I've played i think it was Rise of nations, demo ages ago, and loved it, really enjoyed building up a tribe or whatnot and taking the other peoples nation, and am currently really loving black and white 2, but would preffer if it was just one player to control/or a small group, not a whole nation or world.

Is there anything like

so an rtsmmo would be ace? lol.

Help me!

A small group? You might enjoy games like UFO:Aftermath/UFO:Aftershock, in which the very basic jist is that you have a team of operatives and you send them on missions around the globe to get rid of an alien invasion.

You might like the Civilisation series of games, although in this case you are leading your nation to glory throughout time. Very, very good game.
I just fired up guildwars and am feeling that rush of excitement! Dammit xD

A few have mentioned civ, and also aoe3. How are these? multiplayer-able?

//damn don edits :P Stop picking on me!
Aoe games are excellent, online is great when you get a game going, though theres just so many laggers and droppers, its so annoying to start a game then have half the players (nearly always your allies if its a team game :rolleyes: ) just drop.
You might like Warrior Kings. Very overlooked rts game with large scale armies where real tactics actually work. I'm fairly sure you can pick it up for under a tenner these days. A bit like a fantasy Rome Total War.
Psypher5 said:
I just fired up guildwars and am feeling that rush of excitement! Dammit xD

Are you in a guild mate?

Makes all the difference in my opinion, get into some Guild battles :)

Ooooh what a nice sig I have ;)
Sweetloaf: Used to have my own guild, and we got quite advanced in the few weeks/months we stuck at it (got a hall and such) but I nowhere near completed the game (only a lvl 17 char atm) and its all died now.

Mind if I give you a chat ingame, :) I'd like to get back into this I think...

I'm really rusty and not uptodate at all in gameplay, so dont shout at me!

//Also got my mate to lend me aoe3 today, see if I like that later on. He says its a really good game to get into so hope I like :) Cheers guys.
Psypher5 said:

Mind if I give you a chat ingame, :) I'd like to get back into this I think...

I'm really rusty and not uptodate at all in gameplay, so dont shout at me!

Be a pleasure :cool:

In game names:

Bongo Fury
Papa Lazarus
Mrs Sweet Loaf
Sweet Loaf
+many random PvP names :)
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