Reading music

Man of Honour
11 Apr 2003
I know practically nothing about written music, but would like to learn how to read it so that I am prepared for violin lessons. Is it something that can be self-taught, and if so how difficult/frustrating is it? My girlfriend also wishes to learn, as she will take piano lessons. Is it something she and I could do together, for example find some book and just sit down and study, or would it be better if we were to go to classes?

Thanks. :)
Thanks very much, I know good advice when I see it. :)

I take it sight-reading is the act of playing to sheet music, doing both things in time, as opposed to just being able to interpret the symbols?

The reason I see the violin as being for me, is that I have a romantic view of the instrument, largely I think due to being a big Sherlock Holmes fan. Another bonus in my eyes is the smallness and portability of the instrument.
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