Reading stuff off diablo 2 into an autoit program

2 May 2004

I've been messing around with AutoIt recently and have managed to make a little script that'll tell you your current life in Diablo 2 (as long as it's open).

It finds the PID using the process name and it all works fine.

In the memory section of things to get your health you use 0x6FBCC1E0 this is the part where I'm stuck.

I got the coding for the memory part from somewhere else, and was told to get your health from ingame you use the address: 0x6FBCC1E0

I am aware this is a hex address, but my question is... how did they find it?

What files should I be looking in and how can I find the addresses for e.g. the money in your inventory?

(Note: I'm not planning to make any hacks, I'm just using Diablo 2 to learn about memory addresses and stuff)

Yea, I've been able to edit my health and money etc. using a memory explorer on the games process, but the address doesn't match the one used in the Autoit program :(

I have been using TSearch to find the memory address of certain things, I managed to find my current health in game and edit it.

e.g. I edited the address 42C0025 from my current health to 1 and I was left almost dead... so it did work. So then I go into the hexing section of TSearch and on the left it says 00042C0025 but that's a completley different code so what has been used in my current memory reading code... so this must be the wrong way to do it.

I will try more things, hopefully i'll be able to figure it out :)


Ok, I've fully figured out the coding now... here's the function to get your current life:

Func _GetLife ()
  $open = _MemOpen ( $pid )
  $read = _MemRead ( $open, 0x6FBCC1E0, 4 )
  $p1 = StringRight( hex($read[3]), 2 ) & StringRight( hex($read[2]), 2 ) &       StringRight ( hex($read[1]), 2 )  & StringRight ( hex($read[0]), 2 )
  $p1 = "0x" & hex ( dec( $p1 ) + 92 )
  $read = _MemRead ( $open, $p1, 4 )
  $p2 = StringRight( hex($read[3]), 2 ) & StringRight( hex($read[2]), 2 ) &   StringRight ( hex($read[1]), 2 )  & StringRight ( hex($read[0]), 2 )
  $p2 = "0x" & hex ( dec( $p2 ) + 36 )
  $read = _MemRead ( $open, $p2, 4 )
  $p3 = StringRight( hex($read[3]), 2 ) & StringRight( hex($read[2]), 2 ) &   StringRight ( hex($read[1]), 2 )  & StringRight ( hex($read[0]), 2 )
  $p3 = "0x" & hex ( dec( $p3 ) + 37 )
  $read = _MemRead ( $open, $p3, 4 )
  $life = StringRight( hex($read[3]), 2 ) & StringRight( hex($read[2]), 2 ) &   StringRight ( hex($read[1]), 2 )  & StringRight ( hex($read[0]), 2 )
  $life = dec( $life )
  _MemClose ( $open )
Return $life

And to get the overall life the only thing that has changed in that code is rather than reading this at the end:

$p3 = "0x" & hex ( dec( $p3 ) + 37 )

it reads this:

$p3 = "0x" & hex ( dec( $p3 ) + 45 )

So basically to read your life it's using 923637 and to read your max life it's reading 923645

Any ideas how I'd get that number for e.g. invent gold?


Right, I just attached this memory read program to my current inventory money address, I dropped one gold and it logged this:

6fd5b024 - 89 78 04

Those looks exactly like the numbers that I need to edit this script, so I entered them but when the autoit script then reads it it comes out with 0 :(
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