ready to overclock need help

11 Mar 2012
hi guys need help to overclock my rig tried many times before not to sure what settings to change my 3.9ghz in prime top temp 46c all fans silent twin d5 setting 1 would like to reach 4.5 24/7
read dozens of forums posts but more i read the more confusing it gets.
can anyone give me some settings to try out for starting dont think heat will be an issue.
hi yes i have i have no problem with the manual side of computer building and watched many hours of guides on delidding lapping and watercooling all of which i have preformed with perfection,
but i will admit to not having a clue when it comes to overclocking.
could do with some help.
4.5 easy!!! Enable XMP. 45 all core Multi Disable Turbo. Vcore Manual 1.3v Fixed, LLC high, PLL 1.9, VCCSA 1.10, VDRAM 1.65, Cstates disabled, EIST Enable, Disable all spread spectrums. Reboot!!!

hi 8 pack done everything as you said boots no problem when i stress only going to 3.5ghz went back in bios all settings as applied all cores 45,and voltages etc

back to test still the same any ideas on whats wrong.
hi 8 pack what do you mean excellent im stuck on 3.5ghz but bios says that all the settings you gave me are in there when i stress test i only reach 3.5 not sure whats going on .
any help please.

this is a common problem on sabertooth board, you need to reset cmos leave the jumper in reset position for at least 10seconds, then reapply the settings 8pack gave you.
Sorry I thought was with the settings I gave you and I saw Prime stable. Yes Reset and re apply.
4.5 easy!!! Enable XMP. 45 all core Multi Disable Turbo. Vcore Manual 1.3v Fixed, LLC high, PLL 1.9, VCCSA 1.10, VDRAM 1.65, Cstates disabled, EIST Enable, Disable all spread spectrums. Reboot!!!


8pack do ya mind if i ask if theres reason to have pll and vccsa so high? I tried lowering them when i had found the max stable OC my chip would handle, and i got the PLL to 1.45 and VCCSA to .85 and it made no difference in stability tests, are these just needed to improve mem speeds or summat?
Your chip may like Low PLL. I have some that do. Most dont so people can tune for there individual circumstanes. SA is system agent. this should be left at stock of 1.1 v if your stable no need to ever tune this down.
Your chip may like Low PLL. I have some that do. Most dont so people can tune for there individual circumstanes. SA is system agent. this should be left at stock of 1.1 v if your stable no need to ever tune this down.

oki ta, ill turn it back up then, i just turned all my voltages to their lowest while keeping it all stable, i figures i could save a few quid on the electric bill.<<<<cheapskate :)
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