ReadyNas 3200 and HP DL380 G7

28 Nov 2002
Hi guys,

I've just finished an IT project at a client. They have downsized considerable and have moved offices. In addition the parent group have adopted new IT standards for their kit meaning that they had really good enterprise kit that they were going to chuck in the skip!!

So, I offered to take it and they agreed.

So I now have 2 x Netgear ReadyNas 3200 Pro (12 bay NAS), one with 6TB (6 x1TB disks) and the other with 10TB (6 x 1TB and 2 x 2TB disks). I have verified the first one works (its next to me and is factory resetting as I type) and the other I haven't verified as fully working yet.

I also have an HP Proliant DL 380 G7 with 48 GB RAM and 2 x Quad Core Processors (no hard disks) and 10 NICs. I'll fire it up but since I have no SFF SAS or SATA disks to hand I can't fully test it.

What they hell do I do with it all?? I'd sell it on eBay but my wife's account only has about 30 feedback so I'll look like it fell off a back of a lorry!! :rolleyes:

Don't say "Give it to me" either :rolleyes: :cool: :o
Members Market? A fair amount of NAS's get sold on there.

But im not sure how well the higher than the price you paid for it rule will work :/
Wish my business would give me old kit. We're decommissioning 16x DL380 G7 from our VMware cluster. They'll all go for to a recycling company....

Sell it on eBay - best way really.
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